A website redesign brings brick-and-mortar music store a fresh start
Complete Redesign
As with most businesses, the staff at Evanston Band & Orchestra (EB&O) have their hands full doing what they do best – their own business. They’re not web design experts, and most likely neither are you. Though they’ve had a website for many years, after a while their online presence became stale, neglected and outdated.
In redesigning their website, I first started with their logo, or brand identity. I created a logo for Evanston Band & Orchestra, for they didn’t have one yet, and updated the logo for Music Starts here.
Secondly, I completely redesigned the layout of their website and brought it up to date, making it more aesthetically appealing and more functional. The new look and functionality of the website boosted the credibility of the business. In addition, the attitude of the staff toward the website and therefore their own company’s image, increased dramatically.

Added Social Functionality
One thing the EB&O website was lacking was any kind of social interactivity. In this day and age, viral marketing and social media is an essential tool that businesses need to take advantage of. I added the ability for people to connect with the EB&O facebook page, as well as the ability for visitors to share with their friends about each page via a choice of social media platforms.
In addition to creating a new website, one of my responsibilities was moving, or migrating, all of the company’s current emails from one hosting service to another. One of the concerns of the owner of EB&O was if there would be any kind of interruption in, or loss of, service or data. I was able to provide a seamless transition of hosting services, leaving the owner with no worries or glitches during transition.
Into Your Hands
Lastly, I was able to set EB&O up with the ability to manage and update their own website without the need for an intermediate web service.